:Base exchng.hlp :Title Microsoft Exchange Help :Index Mail Help =exchng.hlp 1 Getting Started with the Microsoft Exchange Client 2 Overview of the Microsoft Exchange Client =OverviewGettingStarted 2 Starting the Microsoft Exchange Client =LoggingOntoMail 2 Opening or Closing a Message =ReadingMessages 2 Sending a Message =SendingMessages 2 Replying to a Message =replyingtoaMessage 2 Deleting a Message =DeletingAMessage 2 Quitting the Microsoft Exchange Client =QuittingMail 2 Getting Information About Using the Microsoft Exchange Client =gettinginfoyouneed 2 Getting Information About a Microsoft Exchange Client Window =gettinginfo 2 Using Shortcut Menus =Usingshortcutmenus 1 Addressing Messages 2 Overview =chapovraddressingmessages 2 Addressing a Message =AddressingAMessage 2 Checking Names Before Sending a Message =VerifyingUserNames 2 Finding Names in the Address Book =SearchingForNames 2 Adding a From or Bcc Box to a New Message Form =Settingoptionsforthesendnote 2 Adding or Deleting a Name in the Personal Address Book =addinganewaddress 2 Editing a Name in the Personal Address Book =EditingAPersonalGroup 2 Creating or Deleting a Personal Distribution List =CreatingOrRemovingAPersonalGroup 2 Editing a Personal Distribution List =EditingAPersonalDistributionList 2 Getting Information About a User =GettingDetailsAboutAUser 2 Sending a Message to a User of Another Mail System =CreatingAnMHSX400Address 2 Setting Default Address Lists =settingaddressingoptions 1 Creating and Formatting Text 2 Overview =chapovrWritingandFormattingMessages 2 Formatting Text =ApplyingOrRemovingCharacterFormats 2 Changing the Default Text Format for New Messages =ChangingTheDefaultfontfornewmessages 2 Centering or Aligning Text =CenteringOrAligningText 2 Indenting Text =indentingText 2 Creating a Bulleted List =AddingOrRemovingBulletsInAList 2 Finding Text =FindingText 2 Replacing Text =ReplacingText 2 Copying, Moving, or Deleting Information =CopyingMovingOrDeletingInformationWithinAMessage 2 Copying Information Between Items =CopyingInformationBetweenMessages 2 Checking Spelling =CheckingSpelling 2 Saving an Incomplete Message =SavingAMessage 2 Creating or Deleting an AutoSignature =Creatinganautotextsignature 2 Editing an AutoSignature =editinganautotextentry 1 Inserting Files, Messages, and Objects 2 Overview =chapovrobjectlinkingandembedding 2 Inserting Information into a Message 3 Inserting a File from the File System =InsertingAFileOrMessage 3 Inserting an Item from a Microsoft Exchange Folder =InsertingAMessage 3 Inserting an Internet Shortcut = InsertingAnInternetShortcut 3 Embedding an Object =EmbeddingAnObject 3 Editing an Attachment =EditingAnEmbeddedObject 2 Linking Information to a Message 3 Creating a Link to a File =CreatingALinkToAnotherfile 3 Updating a Link =UpdatingALink 3 Reconnecting or Changing a Link =ReconnectingOrChangingALink 3 Breaking a Link =BreakingALink 3 Editing Linked Information =EditingLinkedInformation 1 Sending Messages 2 Overview =chapovrSendingMessages 2 Sending a Message =SendingMessages 2 Requesting a Receipt =RequestingaReceiptforMessages 2 Assigning Importance to a Message =SettingPrioritiesforMessagesYouSend 2 Saving a Copy of a Message You Send =SavingaCopyofaMessageYouSend 2 Sending a Message to a User of Another Mail System =creatinganmhsx400address 2 Saving an Incomplete Message =SavingAMessage 2 Specifying a Time to Send or Delete a Message = specifyingatimetosendorexpireamessage 2 Resending Undelivered Mail =ResendingUndeliveredMail 2 Adding Security to Messages 3 Setting Up Advanced Security =settingupadvancedsecurity 3 Changing Your Advanced Security Password =changingyouradvancedsecuritypassword 3 Signing a Message =signingamessage 3 Sealing a Message =sealingamessage 3 Sending Private, Personal, or Confidential Messages =sendingprivatemessages 1 Using Forms to Send Information 2 Overview =chapovrforms 2 Allocating Space for Forms on Your Computer =allocatingspaceforformsonyourcomputer 2 Selecting a Form =ChoosingAForm 2 Working with a Form =Workingwithforms 2 Copying a Form =AddingaForm 2 Creating a Form=CreatingaForm 2 Updating a Form =UpdatingaForm 2 Deleting a Form =RemovingaForm 2 Installing an Existing Form=loadingaformfromafile 2 Modifying a Form's Properties =modifyingaformsproperties 2 Specifying Forms for a Folder=associatingformswithafolder 1 Working with Incoming Mail 2 Overview =chapovrworkingwithincomingMessages 2 Opening or Closing a Message =ReadingMessages 2 Replying to a Message =ReplyingToAMessage 2 Forwarding a Message =ForwardingMessages 2 Opening an Attachment =OpeningAMessageOrFileInserted 2 Saving an Attachment =SavingAnInsertedFile 2 Editing an Attachment =EditingAnEmbeddedObject 2 Editing Linked Information =EditingLinkedInformation 2 Moving or Copying a Message to a Folder =copyingmessages 2 Saving a Message as a File =SavingAMessageasafile 2 Deleting a Message =DeletingAMessage 2 Retrieving a Deleted Message =RetrievingADeletedMessage 1 Printing Information 2 Overview =chapovrprinting 2 Setting Printing Options =SettingPrintingOptions 2 Printing an Item =PrintingMessagesAndAttachments 2 Printing an Attachment =PrintingInsertedFiles 2 Printing to a File =PrintingToAFile 2 Printing Microsoft Exchange Client Documentation =PrintingHelp 1 Working with Personal and Mailbox Folders 2 Overview =chapovrfindinginformation 2 Displaying and Opening Folders =displayingandusingthefolderlist 2 Creating or Deleting a Folder =creatingaprivatefolder 2 Moving or Copying a Folder =movingorcopyingaprivatefolder 2 Renaming a Folder =deletingaprivatefolder 2 Moving or Copying a Message to a Folder =copyingmessages 2 Adding a File to a Folder =addingafilefromthefilesystem 2 Importing .MMF and .PAB Files =importingfolders 2 Creating a Personal Folder File =creatinganewlocalmessagestore 2 Adding or Changing a Password for a Personal Folder File =settingormodifyingapasswordforasetofpersonalfolders 2 Checking or Repairing a Personal Folder File =checkingandrepairingapersonalfolderfile 2 Compacting a Personal Folder File =compactingalocalinformationsource 1 Finding and Organizing Information 2 Overview =chapovrviewingandorganizinginformation 2 Displaying and Opening Folders =displayingandusingthefolderlist 2 Adding or Removing a Column in the Viewer =changingmessagelistpropertycolumns 2 Modifying a Column in the Viewer =changingtheorderofcolumnheaders 2 Finding Items =FindingMessages 2 Filtering Items =FilteringMessagesInAFolder 2 Sorting Items =SortingMessagesInTheMessageList 2 Grouping Items =GroupingMessagesInAFolder 2 Using a Predefined Personal View =UsingPredefinedPersonalViews 2 Creating and Saving a View =savingaview 2 Modifying a View =modifyingaview 2 Applying a View =workingwithfolderviews 1 Managing Incoming Mail with Rules 2 Overview =OverviewManagingIncomingMessages 2 Creating or Deleting a Rule =CreatingANewRule 2 Changing a Rule =ChangingOrDeletingARule 2 Turning a Rule On or Off =TurningARuleOnOrOff 2 Specifying the Order in Which Rules are Performed =SettingRuleOrder 2 Automatically Moving or Copying Incoming Mail =AutomaticallyMovingOrCopyingIncomingMessages 2 Automatically Deleting or Forwarding Incoming Mail =automaticallydeletingorforwardingincomingmessages 2 Displaying an Alert Message =CreatingAMessageAlert 2 Managing Incoming Mail While Out of the Office =UsingTheOutOfOfficeAssistant 1 Assigning a Delegate to Manage Your Mail 2 Overview =OverviewSettingUpandUsingDelegateAccess 2 Providing Access to Your Mailbox or a Mailbox Folder =SettingAccessPrivilegesinYourPrivateInformationSource 2 Adding or Removing an Additional Mailbox =ConnectingorDisconnectingPrivateInformationSource 2 Choosing a Delegate to Send Mail for You =ChoosingaDelegatetoSendMailforYou 2 Sending Mail for Another User =SendingMailforAnotherUser 1 Sharing Information in Public Folders 2 Overview =UsingPublicFoldersOverview 2 Checking Your Public Folder Access Permissions =CheckingYourPublicFolderAccess 2 Opening and Viewing a Public Folder =OpeningPublicFolder 2 Adding or Removing a Favorites Folder =SubscribingToSelectedPublicFolders 2 Posting Information in a Public Folder =SendingMessagesToAPublicFolder 2 Replying to a Posted Item =ReplyToPostedItem 2 Adding a File to a Folder =addingafilefromthefilesystem 2 Moving or Copying a Message to a Folder =CopyingMessages 2 Deleting a Message =Deletingamessage 2 Applying a View =workingwithfolderviews 2 Finding Items =FindingMessages 2 Editing an Item in a Public Folder =EditingAPublicFolderMessage 2 Marking Items as Read and Unread =MarkingItemsInFolders 2 Displaying and Hiding Items You've Read =DisplayingReadItems 1 Creating and Maintaining Public Folders 2 Overview =OverviewCreatingAPublicFolder 2 Using the Folder Design Cue Cards =UsingFolderDesignCueCards 2 Creating or Deleting a Folder =CreatingaprivateFolder 2 Modifying a Public Folder =ModifyPublicFolder 2 Copying the Design of Another Folder =CopyingFolderDesignToAnotherFolder 2 Selecting Forms for a Folder =associatingformswithafolder 2 Adding or Modifying a Public Folder View =CreatingViewsinPublicFolders 2 Granting or Changing Public Folder Access Permissions =ChangingPublicFolderAccessPermissions 2 Limiting Access to a Public Folder =DisableAFolder 2 Setting Administrative Options for a Public Folder =GeneralPropertiesforaPublicFolder 2 Creating or Modifying a Rule for a Public Folder =CreatingRulesForPublicFolders 2 Moving or Copying a Folder =movingorcopyingaprivateFolder 2 Renaming a Folder =DeletingAPrivateFolder 2 Resolving Public Folder Conflict Messages =ResolvingConflictingMessages 1 Changing Your Configuration with Profiles and Information Services 2 Overview =chapovrprofiles 2 Selecting a Profile When Starting the Microsoft Exchange Client =SettingProfileOptions 2 Creating or Deleting a Profile =CreatingANewProfile 2 Copying and Renaming a Profile =CopyingAProfile 2 Adding an Information Service =InstallingANewMessagingServiceIntoAProfile 2 Installing an Information Service =InstallingANewMessagingService 2 Renaming an Information Service =RenamingAMessagingServiceInAProfile 2 Copying an Information Service =MovingAMessagingService 2 Removing or Deleting an Information Service =RemovingaMessagingServiceFromTheCommonProfile 2 Setting Mail Delivery Options =SpecifyingMessagingSettings 2 Adding or Removing an Additional Mailbox =ConnectingorDisconnectingPrivateInformationSource 2 Using Another Computer on Your Network =roaminguser 1 Customizing the Microsoft Exchange Client 2 Overview =chapovrcustomizingMail 2 Installing or Removing Components of the Microsoft Exchange Client =installingorremovingcomponentsofmicrosoftexchange 2 Selecting a Profile When Starting the Microsoft Exchange Client =SettingProfileOptions 2 Connecting to a Different Server =connectingtoadifferentserver 2 Setting Mail Delivery Options =SpecifyingMessagingSettings 2 Setting Mail Notification Options =SettingNotificationOptions 2 Customizing the Microsoft Exchange Client Workspace =customizingthemicrosoftexchangescreen 2 Setting Color Options = settingcoloroptions 2 Changing the Default Text Format for New Messages =changingthedefaultfontfornewmessages 2 Setting Options for Replying To or Forwarding Mail =SettingOptionsforreplyingandforwarding 2 Setting Options for Moving or Deleting Mail =SettingGeneralOptions 2 Setting Spelling Options =selectingspellingoptions 2 Setting Default Address Lists =SettingAddressingOptions 2 Setting Printing Options =SettingPrintingOptions 2 Using Desktop Shortcuts = UsingDesktopShortcuts 2 Using Command-Line Options to Perform Tasks =Usingcommandlineoptionstoperformtasks 2 Setting Options for Sending Messages 3 Requesting a Receipt =RequestingaReceiptforMessages 3 Assigning Importance to a Message =SettingPrioritiesforMessagesYouSend 3 Saving a Copy of a Message You Send =SavingaCopyofaMessageYouSend 3 Adding a From or Bcc Box to the New Message Form =SettingOptionsfortheSendNote 3 Specifying a Time to Send or Expire a Message = specifyingatimetosendorexpireamessage 2 Toolbars 3 Displaying a Toolbar =DisplayingToolbars 3 Adding or Removing a Toolbar Button =CustomizingToolbars 3 Moving a Toolbar Button =MovingAToolbarButton 3 Restoring a Toolbar to Its Original Settings =RestoringAToolbarToItsOriginalSettings 1 Working Offline and Remotely with Microsoft Exchange 2 Overview =OverWorkingOfflineRemotely 2 Preparing to Work with Offline Folders =PreparingWorkOfflineFolders 2 Making a Folder Available Offline =CreatingOfflineFolder 2 Synchronizing an Offline Folder =SynchOfflineFolder 2 Removing a Folder's Offline Availability =RemovingOfflineFolder 2 Compacting an Offline Folder File =LRConfiguringOfflineFolderFile 2 Disabling an Offline Folder File =DisablingOfflineFolderFile 2 Preparing to Work with Remote Mail =PreparingWorkRemoteMail 2 Retrieving and Sending Mail Using Remote Mail =UsingTheRemoteViewer 2 Downloading Mail Headers Using Remote Mail =DownloadingHeadersRemoteMail 2 Transferring, Copying, or Deleting Messages Using Remote Mail =TransferringMessagesRemoteMail 2 Scheduling Remote Mail Connections =RemoteSettings 2 Specifying Dial-Up Connection Options =ConnectOptions 2 Working with a Continuous Dial-Up Connection =RemoteContinuousDialUp 2 Using Another Computer on Your Network =roaminguser 1 Reference Information 2 Menus, Commands, and Dialog Boxes =menucommands 2 Toolbars and Buttons =defaulttoolbarindex 2 Keyboard Shortcuts =keyboardguide 2 Window Descriptions =ExchangeScreens 2 Accessibility for People with Disabilities =accessibilityforpeoplewithdisabilities 2 Information for Microsoft Mail or cc: Mail Users =helpformicrosoftmailusers